Welcome to Better Boards, Better Schools
Committed to improving public education through effective school board governance and leadership

BBBS is Proud to Endorse the Following Candidates for AAPS School Board
We believe these candidates embody our values of integrity, servant leadership, care for students, critical thinking, and fiscal responsibility that will compliment the strengths of the current Board and honorably guide AAPS over the next four years.

New AAPS Policy Interpretation Creates Campaign Advantage for Incumbent School Board Candidate Facing Re-Election
On September 4, 2024, the AAPS district prohibited the distribution of campaign literature on School campuses. This unprecedented decision creates an advantage for incumbent candidates, who already have name recognition. It may also limit political speech. This begs the question: What or who asked the School Board to seek a legal opinion on this policy? Why did an incumbent trustee running for re-election send a threatening email to his opponents? Given the chilling effect the interpretation has on campaigning, why won’t the Trustees modify Bylaw 1650, allowing all candidates to use school entrances as they have been used for the last 15 years?
Politicized Boards make schools less safe for students & staff
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, political interests have sought to use school districts to promote political agendas. While public schools are meant to serve all students, small factions seek to control and shape AAPS in troubling ways. Learn more about how the movement to prematurely begin face to face instruction during the height of COVID-19 has evolved into recent actions to change AAPS leadership.